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Spreading Christmas cheer one child at a time

December 21, 2023

ROANOKE, Va. – When you think about the framework of a power plant, it’s easy to understand the need for employees who are passionate, skilled and innovative in the way they approach solving problems.  

So, it shouldn’t be a surprise to hear Clinch River Plant employees in Cleveland, Va. organized a Christmas giving event that impacted several local organizations in their area.

Each year, employees and retirees from Clinch have a White Christmas fund. Donations are collected throughout the year, but funds are also raised by selling popcorn, organizing "donation outage" breakfasts and using vending machine proceeds. Clinch then works with Star Ministries, a local charity organization, who collects the names of children in need from different community partners such as teachers and guidance counselors.

This year, Clinch employees and retirees sponsored 35 local kids (averaging about $170 per child) and donated $500 to the Russell County Sheriff’s Shop-with-a-Cop program.

“This cause supports children in need in this area and everyone here, from employees, retirees and contractors, avidly supports it each year,” said Clinch River Plant Manager Laura C. “These are kids that lack the essentials; coats, clothing, shoes, and blankets, stuff that many take for granted. It’s about giving back and making a difference in our community, but more importantly, it’s about the children not only having the items they desperately need, but also them being able to experience the joy and excitement of the Christmas season.”

Clinch wasn’t the only department to spread Christmas cheer this year.

Distribution Dispatch Center

Employees from the Roanoke Distribution Dispatch Center and Lynchburg Service Center continued their traditions of supporting the Salvation Army Angel Trees. Combined, the two departments sponsored 76 Angels, hand-delivering toys and essential goods to their respective Salvation Army locations in early December.

“I’m just so very proud to be a part of a generous group of co-workers who will be making Christmas wonderful for these 26 children,” said Lynchburg Work Scheduling Coordinator Crystal C.

Fieldale & Stuart Service Centers 

Just as they do every year, employees at the Fieldale and Stuart service centers came together to make a huge impact on their community. Employees collected donations and shopped for gifts for the Grace Network of Martinsville & Henry County and Patrick County High School.

Right-of-Way Records Specialist Debbie A. has spearheaded the Patrick County High School Christmas drive for nearly a decade. What started as employees helping a handful of kids has grown to them helping nearly 80 kids in need this season.

“This is what Christmas is all about,” she said. “Being able to help people who need it most when they need it the most. There is no better feeling.”

Spreading Christmas cheer one child at a time

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